It was a gorgeous fall day with smooth glassy water. Sometimes you enjoy the blustery wavy weather, but other times it's nice to enjoy the calm conditions and reflect on life. In 2011 we were enjoying a super long summer like fall. In fact only the sun setting earlier gave any indication that it wasn't an early august day.
I had paddled out to the wreck of the Mary Ward, a 130 foot long steamer that had run aground in November of 1872. Her wooden beams are clearly visible in the 7 feet of water where they came to rest all those years ago.
After that I languished and ate some food on a small shoal about 1 kilometre east of the Mary Ward Shoal and 4km offshore where I was the only human being around for many square kilometers. The afternoon sun was slowly sinking to the west over the Bruce Penninsula.
As I paddled towards shore, the sun began to set and I ended up being able to witness one of the most beautiful epic sunsets I've seen on the bay. The photos I've posted here document this wonderful experience of paddling towards shore in the fading light on perfectly glassy smooth waters. This is living!