Outdoor Adventure Guide
Search & Rescue - Preparation & Survival for the Outdoors
I grew up on the Niagara Escarpment on Blue Mountain, in Grey County, Ontario, and still reside locally in the Town of Collingwood. I know this land and these crevices as my childhood playground and I continue to hike and explore our area's incredible section of the Niagara Escarpment. It gives me great pleasure to guide people in the experience of the splendor of the forest and rock. Come with open eye's, and an open heart, and you will see what I see - a world of spectacular beauty and wonder.
Safety is paramount in any outdoor adventure and I bring with me 9 yrs of Search & Rescue Volunteer experience and a 1yr term as the team SAR training co-ordinator. During this time I delivered the RCMP Search & Rescue Children's Survival Program "Hug-A-Tree & Survive and continue to include this invaluable safety presentation for groups interested in outdoor safety preparation! Thank-you to Adventure Smart for providing this platform.
I am also newly appointed as a member of the Town of Collingwood Trails Advisory Committee assisting in creating a high quality, all season series of trail contributing to this area's development as a world-class destination while connecting all areas of our community by a safe, off-road, multi-use trail system.
With my knowledge and passion for this area, I present it's ancient history to groups of all ages and I am always happy to share your stories of adventure experiences as well !
I am an active Adventure Guide, rock climber and caver and for those who know me say that I like to "live on the edge"...I suppose that's true, afterall, I believe that life begins at the edge of your comfort zone!
Come join me for an outing into the Narnia that is created by the depths of your own mind, and then is discovered in the playground of the Niagara Escarpment!
Website: www.magicaladventuretour.com