Well I have to start talking about chicken soup because I’ve finally found this is the food I need to run long well. I’m not talking about the the boxed broth with no sodium added gluten free blah blah blah, I’m talking about the kind your granny made you boiling all the fat and marrow out of the bones on the stove. Add salt? Hell ya. If it sits in the fridge it should turn into a fatty jelly.
When you’re out there for five, ten, fifteen hours etc there is no way you can eat enough calories and gels (which I also use). So when I spent the day before preparing my soup and dumped it down the drain I felt like an idiot. I was multitasking and just not thinking. Damn!
So my buddy Nick and I are off to haliburton the Friday before the race and I managed to find some legit homemade soup for a steep cost of $15 for maybe a litre and a half. At this point I didn’t care I probably would have paid more.
We arrive at a decent time to set up our tent, heat the soup up to put in my drop bags. settle in for an early night after a couple of beers for a thunder and lightning show that helped clear out the massive amount of humidity.
Up at 4:30 after a restless sleep getting half a bagel in me and line up for the six am start. I was sluggish and tired for the first 10 km feeling out my legs and trying to get into a positive place in my head for my body to move well. The terrain in Hali is a mix of technical roots and rocks on the Canadian Shield. Plus a nice amount of fire roads to help spin your legs at different speeds. When I got to the 10 km aid station I filled up a 250ml container with the fatty magic, followed by a sip of water and a gel. Good to go and feeling alert and strong- time to press on.
I think what I love about running ultras is navigating through the ups and downs with simple positive thoughts, or really no thought all. Just the primal feeling of running on the earth and feeding yourself what you need. I’ve had a few years figuring out what it takes to finish and sometimes when the day goes right, how to race. Haliburton 50 is forty km out and forty back which is kind of cool because you can gauge what place you’re at and how far someone might be behind you. For a technical course this was motivation to keep moving steady.
I came in at 3:45 at the half way point barely ahead of three other guys and was passed at around 41 km putting me in second. Perfect. Nice to chase and be chased. More soup, gel, and water. Just keep steady and run the hills or power walk the really steep stuff. My hips are feeling tight and my effort is bringing my legs close to cramping which happened a few times but I’m managing ok. Looking at my watch I know if I can keep this pace I will come in a sub 8 hour which is my ultimate goal.
Time actually goes fast when you feel the zone. A place with no thought. Just be in your body and move. Now I’m at aid station 2 again and I know I only have 12 km to go. I’m told first place guy is 8 minutes ahead and I have no idea who’s behind but it really doesn’t matter. At this point I know I have to average 10 km an hour to do a sub 8 and I had to stick a solid effort. More gel, the last of soup and push the pace. Pushing the pain and negative thoughts out, just focus on being present and smile into the suffering. The finish is near and then it’s here. 7:56. 2nd place and a personal best by 20 minutes. Yes!
So now my race is over and the next bit of fun begins. Beers, eating a great dinner and then a second dinner and a third. Sitting by the fire sharing stories of the day and days to come with new and old friends. Cheering on the 100 mile runners all night and morning to noon. So much inspiration sponged in my soul. Thinking and dreaming of what’s next. Feeling lucky and vibrant to be healthy.
The Dirty Girls 12 hour trail race is one of 3 events on the weekend of August 8, 9, 10, 2014, the other two being 24 and 48 hours! The race is located at Mansfield Ontario, Canada at an outdoor recreation centre that features an 8 kilometer forest loop trail with roots, rocks, sand and it’s all hills. There is one aid station at 4 km and the main start/finish area which features the mother of all aid stations! I’m talking about all sorts of fruit, french fries with a salt dip, grilled cheese sandwiches, Perogies, lentil soup, broth, all the sport drinks and water, literally anything you need to get through at least 12 hours of running.
Setting Out
I thought I’d get my feet wet at this event by keeping it to just 12 hours. The 12 hour race began at 8pm Saturday night. While most people were going out to dinner and a movie or pursuing some sort of fun weekend activity, we were preparing to run all night! We left the starting line promptly at 8pm. For the first loop, we remained fairly close together on the single track, with the breathing and footfalls of others all around. Like usual I got a little caught up in the enthusiasm of the start and went a little faster than I wanted to for the first lap. By the second lap people were spreading out and I felt a sense of peaceful contentment come over me as the headlamp went on and night fell.
10 P.M. to Midnight
Now that darkness fell I found that the roots blended in to the soil in the light of my headlamp. It became so easy to trip over rocks and roots that I began to try and memorize their locations on the course for the next lap. It was a time of transitioning from normal running into what I consider extended running and breaking the ultra barrier in exceeding marathon distance. Still feeling comfortable yet feeling the effort and the challenge starting to build particularly with the hills on the course. There really are no level places at all. You climb or you descend again and again. The “Super Moon” made it’s presence felt as a glorious round super bright object shining through the trees. It provided a cheery companion that got me through the night appearing briefly in the few clearings in the forest.
Midnight to 5 A.M.
It’s on! crossing the threshold of pain and hunger. Six hours or so in I had massive hunger pangs and needed more serious food! In addition to this I knew that given my perspiration rate I’d need salt soon to prevent cramping. I made sure to take some fries and dip them liberally in the salt bowl. Way more tasty and satisfying than salt pills and with grilled cheese sandwiches it really filled me up! With a full stomach I went to battle again with the trail. The temperature during this period dipped from the Saturday evening 25 Celsius to 15 Celsius but the humidity remained hanging in the woods. The sensation was one of feeling chilled yet hot at the same time and sweating a lot. I drank lots and urine output was good and it remained fairly clear. There were still no cramps!
5 A.M. to 8 A.M. Finish
The bewitching hour came after a struggle from 5 A.M. to 6 A.M. in which I truly felt beat up and tired. A race like this runs opposite to your normal circadian rhythm and your mind can really play tricks! In the early pre-dawn before it brightened up I began having some hallucinations. Plants beside the trail took on the shape of animals and actually startled me! I kept seeing creatures darting across the trail ahead of me but luckily it wasn’t my first rodeo and I recognized that my mind was playing tricks with the beam of my headlamp reflecting off the ghostly trees. First light came as a surprise as I looked up and the sky was not as dark. Slowly certain tree trunks began having reddish highlights on them. Eventually I came to a lookout point on the trail and could see the red brilliant light of the tip of the sunrise over the valley below. When the sun was over the horizon the forest erupted with light and color and my night adjusted eyes brought everything into hyper focus. I was so amazed at how different the trail I’d done so many times looked! I met a young woman on my ninth and final lap. When my energy was low and she passed me I made an effort to keep up with her and we began a pleasant conversation. She helped me pull through to the half way aid station at 4k and then she was the one whose energy was low! She began worrying about making the last 4 km before the 8am finish. I told her there would be no talk of not making it and we had plenty of time. I pulled her through the last 4km to return the favor and we sprinted to the finish together!
Final Tally
I managed to get through 72 kilometres of some bad ass trail with a lot of hills in the 12 hours finishing first for my age group and 9th overall, 8th male. There is no way to DNF this race. It’s all about how far any given runner can get. For instance my good friend and brother from another mother Peter Taylor lapped me and not only won the race but set a new course record of 106 kilometres! What an amazing night! What an amazing breakfast after the race! Pancakes, bacon and eggs, and good German beer, the best recovery drink! I’ll be back to do the Dirty Girls again. It’s a well organized race in a beautiful place and running at night is so peaceful!
I recently had the pleasure and honor to spend a full day as a running guide for the amazing blind trail runner Rhonda Marie Avery. If you thought you read that wrong I can assure you she really is a blind trail runner!
Rhonda decided to tackle one of the toughest trails in Ontario Canada, the Bruce Trail. The Bruce Trail presents a seemingly never ending array of undulating technical terrain over it’s 885 kilometres. From the town of Tobermory at the extreme northern tip of the Bruce Peninsula, the trail travels continuously to Niagara Falls in the south. Following the amazing Niagara Escarpment over it’s course, the Bruce Trail has a hilly spine with plenty of elevation change and breathtaking views.
Rhonda needs to be sure to have early bedtimes and an early start to the day. The approximately 45 kilometres she covers each day is best undertaken in the cool of the morning before the sun gets too hot. Another reason for such an early start is the length of time it takes for her to negotiate the trail and it’s technically demanding terrain. The run will last twenty days.
A blind runner requires guide runners, and a run of this length required two fresh guide runners for each day. One guide runner leads and navigates to ensure the excellent trail markers are in sight and that they are still on the trail. Behind the lead runner is the guide runner whose responsibility is to call out every root, rock and undulation in the terrain. Rhonda who runs directly behind the guide runner has an uncanny ability to time her steps to avoid every obstacle the guide runner calls out. The guide and lead runners swap positions for two reasons. One is that it’s mentally fatiguing to call out the terrain and two is that it’s good for Rhonda to hear a different voice and style of callouts. Having run the Bruce Trail for most of my life I can say that the roughness of the rocks, roots and hills provides a challenge to perfectly sighted runners. Lose your concentration for a few seconds and it’s easy to face plant! Rhonda’s accomplishment is all the more impressive given the fact that she is negotiating this terrain blind.
What motivates a person to undertake a run of this magnitude and difficulty? According to Rhonda the answer lies in the desire to do something nearly impossible; something with no guarantee of success. To quote Rhonda, “go big or go home!”
Today is August 8th, 2014 Rhonda is carrying on with more than a marathon per day every day. My day is done and other guides have taken over. And so it goes, this rhythm of run, eat, sleep and make friends along the way. At the end a sense of supreme accomplishment, a pinnacle achievement and a lot of amazing memories.
Let us not forget that Rhonda is doing this for a cause that can help many, Achilles Canada.
None of these activities are easy for me to manage without the help of Achilles Canada”This nonprofit organization connects those with disabilities with volunteer guides. “Over the years, they have helped me to take part in events from 5Km to 100 miles of running, 13km of tethered open water swimming, and 500km of tandem cycling. Without their involvement, I wouldn’t be possible for me to participate to this degree. Oftentimes, for the disabled athlete, getting to the start line is the most difficult task. As a disable endurance athlete, my goal is always to show up, do my best and put all concepts of my disability aside.
Here is the play by play of what happened written the morning after:
Just woke up after arriving at my tent at 4:30am. This is a beast that changes every year and you never know what you are going to get. I’m completely drained. This year it was the hottest most humid Sinister 7 ever! The proof is the approximately 25% finish rate for soloists. Got a ride from race director Andrew Fairhurst back to the finish who says some of the best soloists dropped out early.
Summary: Leg 1: nice easy run no issues. Climb went really well.
Leg 2: this one was a killer as the temperature had already gone to 25. All the moisture from the late spring made the humidity nuts for high up in the mountains. I wet my hat and legs in every stream.
Leg 3: nicknamed Satan’s sack, this was positively evil yesterday. 35km leg with 4,500 feet of climbing. Again I drank everything, dropped into every river, fell up to my waist in the mud bog I was creeping around, and then the notorious final climb. I poured it on thinking I wanted to preserve my margin on the cutoff time and used the downhill after to speed into the transition. Despite 2 gels an hour and eating everything I could and taking salt capsules my stomach cramped up like I thought I would die. This was the 67.5km mark. Got great attention from the valet solo runner service. A volunteer nicknamed mother hen even peeled my mud crusted shoes and socks off, cleaned my feet and put on my change of socks and shoes! That’s service! Off I went onto 4.
Leg 4: Dastardly climb up part of a ski hill right out of the aid station. Half way up the stoic and amazing ultra runner Hiroshige Watanabe was in distress. The heat got him too on leg 3. He wasn’t able to keep anything in his stomach. He swore he was ok and bid me on my way. Then into the mosquito ridden woods for more climbing, mud and then the long cross country portion. At the barbed wire fence the pond from last year had doubled in size so you had to go through knee deep water. So much for the fresh shoes and socks. Made it to the end of 4 feeling sick to my stomach. Nausea came in waves for the better part of 20 kilometers. Drank tons of beef soup and then flat Coke, the saviour of a stomach in distress. I never have had a sick stomach in any race in my life! That’s how sinister it was.
Leg 5: What can I say… Everything sinister but more muddy than any other leg! I had mud caked to my legs right up to my waist. I ran, crawled, begged and pleaded, often having no choice but to wade through standing water all in the dark by headlamp. Saw something move on the trail when I had climbed the mountain and was truly alone. Actually drew my bear spray and removed the trigger lock! It snorted and moved away. Not sure what it was from a distance could have been a few different animals but most likely a bear. Passed a lost soul runner with 5k to go who assured me he was ok. When he pulled into aid station 2 on leg 5 his hand was bleeding and he needed medical help.
My journey ended at 105 km which is the longest distance I’ve run before. The reason is that I simply didn’t have enough time to get the 10k left to the end of 5 before the cutoff. My stomach had recovered to a degree but I was clumsy. I would have continued though. I don’t know if conditions will ever allow me to unlock the key to this insane race. It is indeed the toughest test of a runner I can think of! Mad respect to Hiroshige Watanabe wish you could have continued on leg 5 with me Hiro! Mad Respect to Peter Taylor who gave me the coaching to get me to almost the end of 5 on the hottest wettest running of this race so far, and for his 2nd place finish here last year which doubly blows my mind this year.
Bring on Sinister 7 2016. 3rd time is the charm!
Finished with a smile, and a fat plate of PAELLA!!!
Flight back from La Palma..4 hours was a flash as I reminisced with Jan and Vanessa beside about the race we had and yes everything that goes with it. Another TRANSVULCANIA come and gone. I love to sit and feel what went on in a week…once it is past..I find a story come together and a rather cool one each time.
This one I got to spend with a sister of friends my SIMONY ZITRONY…which makes the story even better!
Each time I am at an ultramarathon I come back with more…I feel richer..
I once again understand WHY I LOVE to do these crazy cool races. They test us in different ways and we are all here to take on that adventure.
Sometimes you can be not so ready and trained and pull off and excellent race and other times you are soooo ready, fit, trained and good to go and things don’t unfold as you imagined… for anything can arise. It’s all part of the beautiful package. I learn so much every time I do one. But the best thing I come back with is another experience, that fills me with joy..new friends…and moments to look back at and laugh on.
This week high lights – rock n roll time with sister Simone, a hard pre race fall that landed on my ribs and gave me some La Palma scars, Car dancing around the crazy curves of the Island roads, octopus indulgence, my daily high of passing by the Yellow T2 VW beauty van in Tazacorte…., picture posing like nuts, holding my mouth trying everything not to throw up on the BUS RIDE to FUCALIENTE race morning, unbelievable gusting winds waiting for start at the lighthouse early raceday, Mirador El Time shop with amazing people and awesome jewellery that I get sucked into, …these are just to name a few…
With a shivering chatter nearing the start, nauseated I forced down my breakfast ISALEAN SHAKE..that I knew I needed for my first few hours of power. Being here at 5:55am at the Start line in Fucaliente on 10.05.14 at the Southern tip of the Island of La Palma is a MOST AWESOME FEELING…as the energy of ‘THUNDERSTRUCK’ booms through the air…all cold and nausea washes away for moments of ‘I love this’ and dancing…a surge of energy and celebration takes over everybody…BRING IT ON BABY!!!
With a race that climbs for approx 50km…puts you right on in the beaming hot sun…and then after a pasta fill….sends you booming down a 20km technical, steep downhill..on the lava rock…
My nutrition is critical and my grounding is my ‘IONIX and ENERGENIX’ in regular doses – my electrolytes, minerals and adaptogens for steady energy …keeps me focused …
The downhill takes back down approx 2400m…back to sea level…and then YES….back up!
I felt so happy deep down, coming to the finish today..that was victory for me (as I was not sure if I would finish at the start) These last 5km…was a grind for me…so close to finish..but just one step after another and HEAD DOWN…Behind this though was joy..and yes definitely some swear words flying out…but once the top of the hill is reached the swearing stopped …1.5km stretch to the finish…as runners you always can find the juice..just enough..to sail through to a smile at the finish. I cannot be more grateful for the people that cheer us on this island..they pour there hearts out for the day to bring us through…little kids are enthralled at what they see…the people here are incredible…we are taken care of ‘Over the Top’ and this would not happen like it does..without all that…
Until next year TVC…xoxo
Karrie Gregson is the owner of Livin’ Adventure, an Austrian based adventure tour company led by an experienced Canadian hiking guide: www.livinadventure.com
We all have goals and dreams in our lives that we hope to reach. Some of us are more successful at reaching them than others. What makes this so? How are some people able to consistently reach their goals and keep coming back to try again if they don’t? I believe the answer lies in visualization, compartmentalization and selective focus.
Focus on your surroundings and feel blessed to be there.
We must visualize success at every stage of our endeavors. No matter the goal, it’s visualizing how it will feel to be successful that will keep us progressing towards the goal. It is important to throw out the negative voices that conspire to draw our attention from a successful outcome.
As a lifelong runner I have endured many training cycles leading up to events ranging from 10K to half and full marathons to ultra-marathons of 50k, 75k, 100k and more. These training cycles are very carefully planned and are difficult. It’s a lot of work but it’s the only way to achieve success. It is important to block out negativity and remain focused and consistent in training. Visualization in training can include:
seeing the days training run unfold as a success in your head before and during
seeing the run as yet another successful step in the right direction towards a successful race or fitness goal
keeping negative thoughts at bay even when a particular run is turning out to be slower or tougher than you expected. It’s easy to let these thoughts throw you off your game and you must not allow that to happen.
truly see the beauty in your surroundings when running or training for any sport involving the outdoors
tell yourself you are lucky that you are alive, fit, and that even though it may not be your best day, the training was valid and worth it. You are worth it.
Visualization of success also applies to racing. Some of the points above apply to racing as well, but here are some points to keep in mind on race day:
trust your training to carry you to your goal and use the confidence that training gives you to block out any negativity
allow yourself to achieve your goal – fight for it because you deserve it
if you feel you can’t maintain your goal pace visualize the finish and rationalize that not only have you trained for success but slowing down will only prolong the short term pain
remember that long term pain comes from quitting and it’s far worse than short term pain. Don’t quit unless you think there is a chance of injury in which case withdraw to fight again another day.
expect success and then enjoy and savor the moment as every step carries you closer to success
Goals we set for ourselves can be daunting. Both the training and the racing include times where the whole thing can become a little overwhelming. Whether it’s a series of long runs in a row with little recovery or a race that’s longer than any training run it’s easy to let feelings of doubt creep in. Again I can best illustrate this with my favorite sport running, with some of my experiences as a participant and coach.
A truly difficult and demoralizing thought process during training runs is thinking too much about race day. It may seem counterintuitive because of what I’ve mentioned about visualizing success. Remember that visualizing success is great, but you need to visualize success on a given day or even a given segment of a run or other activity. Breaking it down this way makes it far easier to manage and a more positive experience.
During some of my long runs leading up to an ultra marathon I’ve fallen into the trap of thinking about the end goal too much! I’ll be out on a 38km trail run with over 3,000 feet of climbing and feeling like crap and thinking “how can I expect to run 160km (100 miles) and 20,000 feet of climbing on race day if I feel like this with only 38km?” Do not fall into this trap! Not only does it sap your energy on that training run but it lowers your overall confidence in your training! Remember above I mention trusting your training to carry you through? It’s hard to trust your training if you belittle it with negative thoughts.
Break each run, bike, paddle, whatever the sport down into segments. Focus on these segments and reach these smaller goals along the way. For a longer run like a 38km or 40km, break it down into pieces like a hilly 10k segment or the next 5km till a nice easy portion begins. Congratulate yourself for achieving these milestones along the way! Enjoying success on these smaller easier to achieve goals gives you the belief that you can carry it to the next segment and ultimately the entire run.
Some race day strategies:
break the race into segments and more easily achievable goals
congratulate yourself on completing each segment
carry the feeling of achievement on to the next segment
visualize the finish line when you think you are at the place in the race where you have completed enough successful segments that success will be yours and never waver from that picture of success in your mind
treat each of these segments of the race as if they are shorter training runs and relate them closely so that it’s easy to trust your training to carry you through
refocus if negative thoughts come calling and they will
Selective Focus
One of those days! Focus on warmth, not mud and dampness.
During a 100 miler trail race you go to some dark and painful places mentally and physically. It’s the nature of the sport. Starting a race on a nice bright morning and running into the night with a headlamp takes a special kind of crazy! Or does it? I believe it’s the power of the mind that carries us through. I’m certainly not the fastest runner out there on these trail ultras and I’m not superhuman. What I think carries ultra runners through to the end is the ability to combine visualizing success, compartmentalizing the race and the training into segments, and selective focus.
Selective focus for me personally is the ability to choose what I want as my reality. I know it sounds a little spooky, but choosing to focus on another reality during a dark time is powerful!
During the Sinister 7 trail race in Alberta’s rocky mountain Crowsnest pass last summer I hit some pretty painful moments. There was a time approaching 95km when every joint was hurting in my legs and I was trying to get some sort of fluid and electrolyte balance back from the unusually hot day. The sun was going down and I was now in a jacket, toque and headlamp. I chose to not focus on the pain, the darkening skies and the thought of grizzly bears. I chose to disassociate my physical being from my mind or spirit if you like. I focused on my family, friends, and picked out the most wonderful enjoyable moments in my life. I projected myself into a simple being floating through the forest pretending to float not run.
The power of selective focus is found in the power of creating your own reality even when things are not going your way. Choose to be fully engaged in your dream and choose to focus on something else when negative feelings or realities try to get in the way. Do not let these feelings or situations steal your focus. You alone control your focus and make your own reality. All you need to do is hang on and concentrate and wait for physical reality to catch up with your mental one.
These techniques apply to any challenge we have in our life. Sports, business success, relationships, emotional well being or any goal at all can be reached with the help of these techniques. I always love the idea of “Carpe Diem” – seize the day… Seize success. Attack each day with a positive attitude and never stop trying. Accept setbacks as part of life and move on. Dwell only on success.
I hope these thoughts strike a chord in you and hopefully help you achieve your goals whatever they may be.
If you are interested in personal coaching or performance nutrition products, contact Coach Nick:
email: info@myactivelifetime.com
The Goodlife Fitness Toronto Marathon is the premier Toronto race in my books. The route, the organization, the spectators, the entertainment, basically everything is top notch. Of course I admit I’m biased based on the fact that I’m the race director of the Collingwood Half Marathon & 10K, a sister race of this one! Still I have been running this race since 1989 off and on and I have to say it’s truly grown into an international destination race.
The Course
The course runs from the north end of the city in Mel Lastman square straight down Toronto’s main north-south corridor, Yonge Street. After running through several pretty neighborhoods including passing Casa Loma, the course winds it’s way through the Rosedale Valley which is so well treed and beautiful that you forget you are in the 4th largest city in North America. After heading south on Bayview it turns into the historic St. Lawrence Market area and on into the heart of the downtown financial district. It carries on to the waterfront for a tour of Ontario Place, the lake shore parks, the Humber pedestrian bridge and Humberview Park. After turning around and heading back along Lake Shore Blvd. you finish to the roar of the crowd at Ontario Place right across the street from the Canadian National Exhibition grounds. It is indeed quite a scenic tour of the city.
The Support System
The Toronto Marathon has literally and army of volunteers including bike marshals, intersection marshals, water station workers, police, EMS and more. I’m constantly amazed at how this army mobilizes to make the race as problem free as it is.
Water stations are every two kilometers on the route and well staffed with water and Gatorade available.
Along the route you will find everything from a Jazz band, buskers, cheering crowds, the amazing Bishop Strachan School for Girls cheering section, and generally not a single part of the course without some moral support from well wishers. Thank you Toronto for being there for us!
The finish line of any marathon is the most inviting thing in your entire life if you are a participant! The finish line at the Toronto Marathon is heaven. Right away you get your medal and pass well stocked Gatorade and water tables. From there you head to the food tent with it’s apples, bananas, oranges, and this year these cool round pita like breads that had raisins in them! From there it’s on to the massage and stretching tent where eager physiotherapy and massage therapists work their wonders on your trashed body.
The Medal
In all the hundreds of events I’ve run I have never seen a medal like this one. It’s heavy! It’s large. In fact I call it a sushi plate! Even the race director, my friend Jay Glassman sees the humor in the medal and saw to it that it was inscribed on the reverse side with the following message: “Holy….! Yes, this really is the medal! Caution don’t drop! Do not pack in carry-on luggage. Suitable as a personal protection device. We cannot be held responsible for personal injury.” It is so big that it gets it’s own paragraph!
My Race in 2014
So how did I do in 2014? I was 17 minutes slower than I’m capable of doing and I’m happy with that result. Why? Because I ran a 50km trail race with 8,000 feet of vertical up and down in it 7 days before! It’s all part of my back to back stress training for the Sinister 7 100 miler in Alberta Canada in July.
The oh boy, what have I done expression!
During the first half marathon I felt really good and ran 1:39 at the half marathon point. That would have been good for a 3:18 marathon. However one piece of advice I have and I knew it before the race anyway is that you can’t fully recover from a long race in 7 days. It was an experiment to see how I could cope with back to back long races.
In the second half things really slowed down particularly around the 34 km mark where my legs made their presence felt with a lot of pain. Cardio was fine. Cramping ensued and I had to walk/stretch the cramps away for a couple of minutes. By the time I finished I had a 3:47 marathon on my hands.
I’m actually thrilled with this result because my experiment taught me so much! I know that I can tolerate two long races within seven days. I know that it only added 17 minutes to my 42.2km time. I found out a lot of things including don’t run such a ridiculously positive split time when you totally know better!
Goodlife Fitness Toronto Marathon Details
The next running of this iconic race will be May 3rd, 2015. I highly recommend the experience!
Saturday April 26th I had the pleasure and pain of participating in the Pick your Poison trail race. The race took place at the Heights of Horseshoe at Horseshoe Valley in Ontario, Canada. It’s aptly named Pick your Poison because you can pick 12.5km, 25km or 50km which equals 1, 2 or 4 times around the grueling course.
With nearly 8,000 feet of elevation change in all the ups and downs the 50km race proved a difficult test. Our late winter and cold spring of 2014 resulted in ankle deep mud and corn snow in places that typically are hard packed trail. However, I can say that the rain did hold off and the grey skies kept the sun out of our eyes.
The course loop featured 3 aid stations located at the start/finish area, and every one third of the loop fairly equally. They were well stocked and had a variety of what ultra-runners crave including, water, Heed, salty snacks and sugary candies. The start/finish station even had wonderful salty chicken soup, the perfect source of calories, salt and heat on a relatively cold 4 degree celsius day. All volunteers were amazing, friendly and helpful.
From a psychological standpoint I found that it can be an extra challenge knowing after the first of four laps every hill and every tricky spot, and knowing I would have to do them all 3 more times. Still it’s just one of those things you deal with and can only make you tougher. The flip side is that I found that after climbing the last long hill on the last lap I knew exactly how close I was to the finish!
I highly recommend this race and would do it again.
For complete details about Pick your Poison 12.5k, 25k, 50k Trail Race visit the race website: http://pickyourpoison.ca