Samantha Dee is a Certified Nutrition Coach who grew up in Collingwood and is passionate about helping people not only LIVE their life but THRIVE and ACHIEVE their health goals. While providing a solution to help people improve their current health and athletic performance she also lives by the “ditch the diet” mentality. Sam’s teaching approach is to educate people on how to create a foundation, build it and maintain a healthy lifestyle that will last through any “life shows up” situation.
Samantha is very competitive and stays active with indoor/ outdoor Volleyball and Soccer. She also enjoys the great outdoors with her two young boys which include; hiking, biking, snowshoeing and snowboarding.
Although Samantha cannot change the world she is passionate about putting an end to Child Obesity and plans to pitch in by educating the younger generations and their parents about the importance of healthy living and nutrition.
Samantha Dee is a Certified Nutrition Coach at Maximum Physiotherapy. She educates individuals on blood sugar stabilization, proper nutrition , exercise, increasing athletic performance and quality of life. Call 705-444-3600 to book a consultation or for more information.